
The Hampton Academy Alumni Association was formed in 1907.  When Winnacunnet High School opened in 1958, the organization name was change to Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association to be inclusive of both the old and the new high school.  The Alumni Association has held an annual gathering annually (usually in late June) since 1907.

In 2013 the Alumni Association was granted 501(c)3 Non-profit status by the IRS.

The most comprehensive history of the Alumni Association was published in 1972.  "The Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association 65th Anniversary Historic Souvenir Booklet 1972" is a 130-page booklet that is available for review at the Lane Memorial Library Reference Room and available online at Alumni History.  


How it all began......

The "Hampton Academy Alumni Association" was founded in 1907 by a small group of very interested graduates and teachers. Clarence L. Mitchell, Principal of Hampton Academy and High School between 1904 and 1907, suggested the formation of an Alumni Association and sought, through the press, the names and addresses of previous students. Many replies were received by Mr. Mitchell and Rev. John A. Ross, President of the Academy Board of Trustees. Mrs. Lucy (Godfrey) Marston, who had attended the Academy in the 1860s before it became a high school, was the Alumna-organizer of the Association and its first Secretary.  In mid-May 1907, Mrs. Marston mailed postcards to former students of the Academy inviting them to a reunion in June. The card's message, beneath photos of the Academy interior, read: "For the purpose of renewing old friendships formed at Hampton Academy, a Hampton Academy Alumni Association was formed Apr. 20. Will you join? A reunion will be held at Hampton Academy, June 21. Membership fee, $1.00, which includes dinner. Please send at once to Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, Hampton, N.H."